Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mindy on David Letterman Tonight

The Late Show airs at 11:35 tonight.

UPDATE: The Video is now available here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mindy's Pumas!

This post may be borderline stalkerish, but I had to share. No Shoes No Service, a celebrites-buying-pumas-blog, reported that Mindy recently bought two new pairs of everyone's favortie athletic shoes: Pumas! For more on Mindy's purchase, and for picture of the shoes (awesome), go here.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mindy Writes for "The Believer."

In the new issue of "The Believer," Mindy Kaling is the guest columnist for "Sedaratives," which appears to be their humorous advice section. It really made me laugh, so I recommend you go check it out.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mindy Kaling Answers Questions About "Night Out"

OfficeTally has been kind enough to facilitate a Q & A session with Mindy, found here. I thought "Night Out" was one of the best episodes of the season. Mindy always gets the characters dead on. My favorite parts: Toby's "Casino Night" and Kelly saying, "How dare you?" Anyway, lots of good questions were answered in the Q & A, so check it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mindy's Adventures with Angela!

Everyone is super excited about Angela's little-girl-on-the-way, and I am so glad that Mindy Kaling wasn't left out of the fun.

No overalls, Angela, no overalls.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An Introduction Is In Order...

Unless you are a complete idiot or just have bad reading skills, I shouldn't have to tell you that this is a fanblog dedicated to Mindy Kaling, the screenwriter/actress/producer/playwright currently employed on the most fabulous show, "The Office." I mostly admire her for her screenwriting prowess and rawesome style, but the other things are pretty nifty too. I am doing this blog mostly for myself, but it would make me happy if there were actual people reading it. And since my handicapped computer skills make it impossible for me to insert a hit counter at all, I will just have to post with blind faith that my efforts have been noticed. Unless some nice people would comment somewhere, telling me that they are viewing my blog. I would, of course, also welcome comments, constructive criticism, and even blatant worshipping. Until later!